Ailments are a physical disorder or illness, especially of a minor or chronic nature. When we have ailments, we call our local physician's office, schedule an appointment, sit in the waiting room for long periods of time, go to the examination rooms, and explain our symptoms. The doctor prescribes medication and sometimes they recommend some additional testing. Then, you're told to wait for the test results. Next, you spend money on the prescription, take the prescription, have side effects from that medication, call back to the physician's office and voice your concerns. The office calls in another prescription. You travel back to the pharmacy to get the new prescription. Does this sound familiar to you? This seems to be a repeated pattern when it comes to diagnosing our medical conditions and dealing with healthcare facilities. After doing all these steps, spending numerous amounts of money, and receiving a myriad of medical bills, you're exhausted. Is there any way to see the light? Yes, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Medication, test results, therapies and surgeries are just some of the ways that could help you and your health, but they are not the only way to manage the ailments. Did you know there are other ways that could possibly help?
Having experience in the health care field, I saw first hand how the medical process worked. As a patient, I saw this process up close and personal. The process to me was not helping. Which is why I decided to treat my ailments the natural way. I began researching natural ingredients to see what their benefits were. How they could help and in what moderation I could use them. I began to use them on myself, then gradually began allowing my kids and husband to use them. Through research, trial and error, the natural way has done wonders for me and my family.
Below are 5 natural relieving tips for ailments that I would like to share with you. I have personally incorporated these into my day to day routine regimen.
5 Natural Relieving Tips for your Body’s Ailments
Meditation can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind. Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. There are many types of meditation and relaxation techniques that have meditation components. All share the same goal of achieving inner peace.
2.Restful Sleep
Sleep is essential to our physical and mental health. Despite its importance, a troubling percentage of people find themselves sleepy during the day and are regularly deprived of a quality good night’s sleep. Not getting enough sleep can take a serious toll on your energy, productivity, emotional balance, and even your weight.
Exercise improves mood, sleep, energy, and health to reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health. Fitting regular exercise into your daily schedule may seem difficult at first. But you can start slowly incorporate it by doing intervals in timed segments. Maybe you can do 10 minutes a day or 10 minutes here and there. As long as you start, you have a win.
4.Herbal Teas
Herbal teas are derived from a variety of dried flowers, fruits, herbs and spices. Herbal teas has many benefits when it comes to your health. They can help aid digestive problems, help you unwind after a long day, help reduce pain and soreness, and can boost your immune system.
Yoga uses postures and breathing, focusing in on particular parts of the body to integrate the body with mind, and mind with soul. Yoga can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure and lower your heart rate. It can be done by almost anyone.
These are 5 Natural relieving tips for ailments that I use daily. Regardless of which one you choose, you don't have to do it every day. But try to incorporate some of these tips into your daily life routines.
-Sophia Gates
Founder, Grace B Yours